As dedicated trail runners, there will be a time when we get invited on a social or training run by our road running friends. This is when the question arises of whether or not we can use our trail shoes when we run on the paved road rather than putting in the extra expenditure of buying another pair of shoes just for running on the road.
It is possible to run paved roads in trail running shoes but it isn’t optimal. The lugs under trail running shoes are designed for gripping into the dirt on trails. Therefore trail running shoes have less grip on paved roads. Paved roads also wear out the soles of trail shoes faster.
Let’s take a closer look at all of the pros and cons of taking your trail shoes out onto the road for your next run.
Can You Run Paved Roads In Trail Shoes
It is not ideal to use trail running shoes on a paved road as you will wear the soles out more quickly. Trail running shoes also don’t grip paved roads to the same level as dedicated road shoes.
From a technical point of view, you most definitely can wear your trail running shoes while running on the road. However, you may discover that your trail shoes have marginally less grip on the road than you would otherwise have with a pair of dedicated road running shoes.
The reason for this is that the lugs of the trail running shoes are designed for gripping the soft earth of the trail. When you use trail shoes on a paved road, those same lugs keep a large part of the sole away from the road surface.
Are Trail Running Shoes Good For The Road
Wearing trail shoes on the road will wear them out faster and the hard pavement will be abrasive on the rubber lugs. Also, trail shoes normally have less cushioning than road shoes to compensate for the softer surfaces you find on trails.
Trail running shoes are not the ideal shoes for running on the road. However, if you have no other shoes available that are in good condition, then by all means use your trail shoes as opposed to using a worn-out pair of shoes which could potentially lead to an injury.
Another Factor relating to wearing your trail running shoes on the road is that the road surface is likely to wear the lugs of your trail running shoes down way more quickly making your trail shoes less effective when you next head out running on the trails.
Overall, you will have a far more comfortable run on the road in a pair of road shoes than you would in a pair of trail shoes.
Can You Wear Trail Running Shoes Casually
Wearing your trail running shoes casually will cause them to wear down in a different way because your feet land differently from when you use them for running, leading to potential running injuries. However, trail running shoes that you have retired/replaced make excellent casual shoes.
You can most definitely wear trail running shoes casually. After all, they are incredibly comfortable shoes to wear and it is something that I do regularly.
However, I wouldn’t wear a new pair of trail running shoes casually. Instead, I will reserve casual wear for a pair of trail running shoes that have already had their maximum mileage completed out of the trails. The reason for this is that when I wear my trail running shoes casually I’m doing way more walking in the shoes which wears them down in a slightly different manner than the way my foot hits the ground while I’m running.
I’d rather not have my good pair of trail running shoes worn down in an uneven manner from walking that may set me up with an injury down the line.
Can You Use Trail Running Shoes Indoors
Trail running shoes are comfortable to wear so you can use trail shoes indoors and also at the gym. However, well-worn trail shoes tend to be dirty so be sure to clean them before you start to use them as indoor shoes.
In the same way that I most definitely wear my trail running shoes casually, I can also wear my trail running shoes indoors. In fact, I have an old pair of trail running shoes that I sometimes wear to the gym when I do a workout. However, when I start wearing a retired pair of trail running shoes as indoor shoes I make sure that I clean them thoroughly first.
I wouldn’t wear my trail running shoes inside my apartment for the simple reason that we remove our shoes the moment we step into the apartment and have dedicated “house shoes” that help keep the inside of the apartment clean. I’d prefer not to tread dust and dirt from outside all through the apartment and onto our carpets.
Is It OK To Walk With Trail Running Shoes
Trail running shoes are excellent for walking and hiking. They are comfortable and have robust construction, able to withstand any scuffs and abrasions from hiking. The soles of trail running shoes are designed to offer better grip on trails, making them ideal hiking shoes.
It is most definitely okay to walk in trail running shoes. In fact, my favorite pair of hiking shoes is a recently-retired pair of trail running shoes.
Trail running shoes offer a lightweight and incredibly comfortable alternative for doing long-distance hikes which don’t require the kind of technical mountain boots normally need in the high mountains.
Nearly all the people that I encounter out on the trails walking/hiking are doing so in trail running shoes.