We all know that consistency is key to improving at anything that you set your mind to and trail running is no different. The more often you head out onto the trails for a run the quicker you...
Category: Training
Whether it is a friend or a partner/girlfriend/husband/wife, running with someone else brings a social aspect into what otherwise is a solitary activity. The challenge arises when the person that you...
It is no surprise that, as runners, our feet can get pretty beaten up. This is especially true as we move up into the world of ultra-distance running. It has left me wondering if trail running is...
The sad reality is that trail runners fall, usually after tripping. If you run trails as often as I do, at some stage you are going to push things a little too far and land up in the dirt. The good...
I have always been a slower runner relative to whomever I am running with. Therefore if I go for a run with someone else the chances are that I will be running with someone that is faster than me. As...
One of the great aspects of being active in the mountains is that it allows us to stay in shape, whether that be walking or running on the trails. That raises the question about burning calories. Do...