My introduction to trail running came via the world of XTERRA-style offroad triathlons. Therefore, I was used to being surrounded by shaved legs. That lead me to wonder whether shaved legs were a “thing” in trail running as well.
Trail running has less of a tradition of leg-shaving than swimming and cycling where there is a clear performance advantage. That said, a large portion of elite trail runners do shave their legs for the sake of their regular physio/massage treatments.
Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of leg shaving for trail runners.
Do Trail Runners Runners Shave Their Legs?
Some trail runners do not believe that shaving their legs will have any effect on speed or performance. Others claim it is one of the keys to success. For this reason, many trail runners remove hair from their arms in addition to leg hair.
The runners who decide to shave their legs claim it gives them a smoother and more aerodynamic experience.
The bottom line is that it all boils down to personal preference, but a few other considerations should go into making that decision.
What Are The Advantages Of Shaving Your Legs Before Trail Running?
Have you ever wondered if shaving your legs could have more benefits than just making it easier to run faster? Here are some of the other advantages:
- It will keep you cooler during summertime.
- Putting on compressive clothing is much easier with shaved skin.
- Applying sunscreen becomes much simpler and quicker – as well as being far less messy!
- Injuries will heal faster because of reduced infection from hairs getting into wounds.
- It makes massages and physiotherapy sessions much easier.
These may seem insignificant, but they can make quite a difference in your overall experience.
What Are The Disadvantages Of Shaving Your Legs Before Trail Running?
Shaving your legs for trail running has many advantages but also comes with some disadvantages. In the winter, shaving can make you even colder because hair traps heat under it and keeps warmth from escaping.
There are other issues with chafing, stubble, or ingrown hairs as the hair grows back. Also, the hair will come back more thick and coarse than it was before.
As with most things in life, there are pros and cons. The key is to find what works best for you based on your personal preferences. When it comes down to it if shaving your legs helps with your stats or improves your comfort level – then go ahead with that razor blade!
Do You Run Faster With Shaved Legs?
If you are an avid runner, this is the question that has been burning in your mind. Will shaving my legs make me run faster? You may be surprised to learn that the answer is yes!
The body is more aerodynamic when hair has been removed. Every strand of hair on your body produces resistance when you run. Once you remove those hairs, less force is necessary for propulsion forward.
If you shave your legs before going for a run, it could be the key to shaving seconds off of your time.
Can Shaving Help Reduce Tick Bites?
Shaving your legs before you go out for a run could help reduce the chance of a tick latching onto you.
Ticks like to sit on blades of grass and leaves while waiting for their unsuspecting victim. When you run by, you brush against these surfaces, which causes you to rub off any hungry tick sitting there in ambush.
Shaved legs make this task more difficult; even if one does manage to grab hold, all that hair offers plenty enough grip so as not to be shaken loose quite so easily.