How Far Do Trail Runners Go?

As distance runners, we all look for ways to measure our progress. A 10k runner will aspire to the half marathon, then the full marathon, and beyond. Trail running is no different. But how far do trail runners actually go when it relates to aspiring to the next distance challenge.

Most beginner trail runners start with a distance of 2 miles. The longest organized trail running race that is done as a single-stage is the Moab 240 at 238 miles in length.

Let’s delve deeper into the distances that trail runners run.

How Far Do Trail Runners Go?

Trail running is different from road running or road race because it involves running, hiking, and trail and mountain running. Therefore, the distance that trail runners cover is slightly different when compared to that of road racers.

There are three types of trail runners: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. The distance that trail runners cover depends on which type of trail runner they are.

Generally, trail runners who are beginners start to cover a distance of about 2 miles per run and practice from there. Meanwhile, intermediate trail runners cover a distance of around 10 miles or more. Finally, advanced trail runners could go for a distance of up to 100 miles when they join ultra-distance events.

Distance For Beginner Trail Runners

If you are a beginner, you should take note that trail running is very different from the usual running on flat surface roads. If on a single run on the road, you could cover 4 to 10 miles, the distance would be slightly different when you do trail running.

In general, beginner trail runners start to cover a distance of around 2 miles per run. Why is this so? It is because 2 miles of trail running is equivalent to twice or thrice the effort of road running.

In order to minimize risks of injury, beginner trail runners should employ the “10% rule”, wherein they are advised to add 10% of their previous covered distance to the distance that they will cover on their next trail run. Through time, the distance covered by beginner trail runners will reach the intermediate and advanced levels.

Ultra Distance Events

Ultra distance trail runs are events that cover 50 to 100 miles. These are usually run by advanced trail runners who do the necessary planning and preparation for the ultra-long trail run.

One-hundred-mile distance events happen all year round all over the world, especially when it’s springtime in a certain state or country. These events are commonly run by trail-running experts who have been doing this for a long time.

Meanwhile, fifty-mile distance events are usually more popular than the 100-mile run because there are more runners who can cover them. Nonetheless, these ultra-distance events require runners to be well planned and prepared.

What Is The Longest Trail Run?

The longest single-stage event in trail running is the Moab 240. Held in Utah, USA, the Moab 240 is a yearly endurance trail running contest where participants are mandated to complete an 8-hour trail training before being qualified to join.

The Moab 240 covers a distance of 238 miles beginning in Moab, Utah, following the Colorado River Trail, and ending in Moab again. Last year, the winner of the Moab 240 is Michele Graglia.

Trail Running Stage Races

Trail running stage races involve trail running that has various stages. A great example is the Marathon des Sables, a 155-mile trail run competition with six stages being conducted in Sahara, Morocco.

The Atacama Crossing is a 155-mile trail run race that happens in the Atacama Desert in Chile, where runners traverse through sand dunes, salt flats, river crossing, and slot canyons for seven days.

The Gobi March is also a seven-day 155-mile competition taking place in the Karakorum region in Central Mongolia, where runners would immerse with rock valleys, sand dunes, and the Mongolian steppes.


Eduardo is a writer, YouTuber, trail runner, mountain biker, rock climber and internet entrepreneur.

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