One thing that you will soon realize when you start trail running is that it is almost impossible to keep your trail running shoes clean. Most of the time it’s dust that gets my shoes dirty, but occasionally we have a splatter of rain and then it is a muddy mess.
How you should clean trail running shoes:
- Never put trail running shoes in the washing machine. It will destroy the glue that holds them together.
- Scrub the soles with a dry stiff-bristle brush.
- Remove laces and inner soles.
- Brush the uppers with a dry soft-bristle brush.
- Mix a solution of mild soap and water.
- Wash the uppers in the mild solution using your soft-bristle brush.
- Use the same soft-bristle brush to wash the insoles and the outside edges of the midsoles.
- Wash the underside of the soles using your soap solution and stiff bristle brush.
- Air dry your trail running shoes inside or in a shady spot away from direct sun.
Let’s get into greater detail on how you can clean your trail running shoes in a way that they will be looking like new and lasting longer.
Detailed List Of What You Need And How To Clean Trail Running shoes?
When cleaning your shoes, there are things you should and shouldn’t do. Trail runners should be gently washed by hand as this will ensure their shape and prevent any damage from occurring.
Here’s a step-by-step process:
- Get all your supplies ready: Mild soap, a soft-bristled brush, and a stiff-bristled brush. Old toothbrushes are ideal.
- Take your supplies to a bathtub or sink.
- Take the insoles and laces out of the shoes.
- Run a little water into the sink or tub and get the tops damp.
- Use the soft-bristled brush to get all the dirt and gunk off the upper part. Try not to get the bottoms wet while doing this because it’ll just make them muddy, and it’ll be harder to scrub the dirt off.
- Scrub the bottoms with the stiff-bristled brush. You’ll have better traction when running if the soles are clean.
- Put the insoles and laces back, and you’re finished.
Should You Wash Your Trail Running Shoes in the Washer?
When your shoes are dirty, ignore the urge to throw them into the washer. This is bad for two reasons: First, it destroys the special glue that shoemakers use. Second, it can shrink your shoes. That would be devastating!
Trail running shoes are made for washing by hand. Not only will they keep their shape, but hand washing will ensure that the materials don’t get damaged. Don’t ruin your kicks by tossing them in the washing machine.
What is the Best Way to Dry Your Trail Running Shoes?
It’s not a good idea to dry your shoes in the dryer. It’s best to air dry them inside the house at room temperature. The heat from the dryer could make them shrink or damage the glue.
You can speed up the drying process by taking out the insoles. Putting paper towels inside and turning on a fan can also help. It takes longer to let them dry correctly, but the wait is more than worth it.
How Often Should You Wash Trail Running Shoes?
If you run at least twice a week, it’s safe to assume that your shoes are often wet and dirty. That being the case, you should wash them every two to three weeks.
When you run, your feet sweat. That makes your shoes stink. Wet weather conditions can also cause your trail running shoes to get muddy and lose some traction.
If your shoes are stinky on the inside but still clean on the outside, it may not be necessary to wash them just yet. Simply spray air freshener inside them to make them smell better. Dry out damp areas with paper towels and sprinkle baking soda into shoe inserts before wearing them again.